Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wilted Wings by Shadow Stephens

Power, greed, and envy fill Damon and Ilisha’s world. Their hope of settling into a life of peace and family remains out of grasp. Damon is kidnapped and forced to stand trial for the death of his father while a breed of hybrids designed to destroy all angels is set loose. With no choice but to leave her earthly mother and baby behind, Ilisha struggles in a world of high politics and family feuds. She must become an ultimate warrior to save her husband and both the worlds she loves.

Join us Friday May 10th from 1-5 EST for a ton of fun. You know if Shadow is involved its bound to be a good time.

Don't forget to enter to win a Kindle Fire

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hope to see you all there!!

Brought to you by the Release Day Diva