Saturday, September 29, 2012

This Blood by Alisha Basso Now Available in Paperback


This Blood (The Grace Allen Series Paranormal Romance) [Kindle Edition]

Alisha Basso


Book Description

February 28, 2012
When Grace Allen discovers a valuable ring in a gutter, she thinks it’s her lucky day, but, fate has other ideas. Now, Grace finds herself not only the keeper of tremendous power, but the only person in the world able to wield it.

Seth McPhee is a monster on the hunt and his prey has never been more seductive. While Graces’ powers will ensure his leadership in the underworld, her beauty will make her captivity a pleasure.

Rushing to the rescue is Lucian, a man who is more than he seems. Will he prove to be the white knight that he claims, or is he just another beautiful monster?

Battling fantastic creatures as well as her raging libido, Grace’s resolve is tested. Will she succumb to a life of lavish entrapment, or escape for an uncertain freedom?
 Just one of the many Five Star Reviews on!

5.0 out of 5 stars A New Take on the Vampire Genre, March 14, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase
This review is from: This Blood (The Grace Allen Series Paranormal Romance) (Kindle Edition)
I must say "This Blood" is an amazing new take on the world of fantasy. Not only is the strong, villain-ish, irresistibly sexy vampire present, but a whole new array of fantastical creatures punctuate every turn of this book. Grace, the main character is a strong-headed young woman with a snarky side unwilling to submit to anyone - including the creatures of nightmares. Her smart-ass attitude gives this page turner an air of humor, making the reader unable to keep from loving her. Every page keeps you wanting the next and you are sure to get through this book quickly as you will NOT be able to put it down! Mrs. Basso hits it on the head and I cannot wait for a sequel to see what Grace Allen gets herself into next.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Night Aberrations by JD Nelson

Night Aberrations (Night Aberrations Series)
5.0 out of 5 stars Magic, Adventure, and Passion!, September 28, 2012 

What do you do when you wake up only to find that everything you have ever been told is a lie? 
Do you give up? 
Do you stand and fight? 
Would you want someone to be there for you? 
Someone that you knew, respected, and loved (well at least had a crush on)? 
Or, would you rather go it alone? 

These are all the questions that Emelie has to wade through when she finds her parents, are no longer a magical life source for her. Without magic she will die. 

Who should she trust? 
Should she trust "Uncle Sorren" or the new unknown in her life Krisitan? 
What should she do when she finds out she has been "fated" to be with Kristian when she is obviously in love with someone else? 
Not only does she have to face all of these horrible choices but, now she has to work to defeat the evil doppelgänger Freyr and his odious plans to take over the world. 
What does she decide to do? 
Who does she turn to and who does she learn to trust above all others? 

JD Nelson is a classic storyteller! She draws you in from the first lines, until you are turning the page faster and faster because you "have" to know what happens next. 

JD knows how to put enough magic, adventure, and passion in to a book to keep you coming back for more. 

This is the first book in her series, she has me hooked, and I can't wait for the next! 

Enjoy the ride! 

I know you won't be disappointed!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Dragon's Call by K.W. McCabe

In a thoughtless final act of destruction, humans awaken the one creature of legend they have no protection against. Years after the complete subjugation of the human race, Derek, heir of the Dragon Queen, and Cecily, create a tentative friendship. But something or someone is stalking the human enclave. Cecily and Derek must find out who and why before she's next.

 Join us Friday October 5th from 4-8 pm PST. We'll have tons of games and prizes. You don't want to miss this dragon themed event!!!

 Enter the rafflecopter below to win a signed copy of the book!!!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway Hope to see you all there!!

Brought to you by the Release Day Diva

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cassandra by Starlight written by Susan Mac Nicol

Cassandra by Starlight by SUSAN MAC NICOL A London woman is swept off her feet into the glamorous yet surprisingly dangerous world of an up-and-coming star of stage and screen.

TO CATCH A RISING STAR Unconventional though she may be, Cassandra Wallace leads the life of an average Londoner, from blind dates to rush hour traffic. Then, along comes Bennett Saville. Charming, erudite, the up-and-coming actor is like the hero of a romantic movie. He sets Cassie afire like he has the stage and screen, and defies the tragedy that brought them together. From the tips of his Armani loafers to their scorching hot first kiss, he’s perfect. Only, he’s ten years younger and from the upper class, and those emerald eyes invite dangerous secrets. The world is full of hungry leading ladies, and every show must have its villain. Yet a true romance will always find its happy ending.

BIO: Sue Mac Nicol was born in Headingley, Leeds, in the United Kingdom. When she was eight years old her family emigrated to Johannesburg, South Africa. One day, after yet another horrific story of violence to friends, they decided it was time to leave. In December 2000 they found themselves in the Arrivals area at Heathrow and have stayed in the UK ever since, loving every minute of it. In between her day job as a regulatory compliance officer for a financial services company in Cambridge and normal daily life, the inspiration for the Starlight series was born; Sue’s characters, Cassie and Bennett, finally made their debut onto the flickering screen of a laptop and gave her the opportunity to become a published author—a dream she’s had since being a young girl old enough to hold a pencil. Sue is a member of the Romance Writers of America and the Romantic Novelists Association in the UK. She lives in a town house in the rural village of Bocking, Essex, with her husband of twenty eight years, Gary (who believes he deserves a long service award for putting up with her for so long), two children, Jason, 24, and Ashley, 19, and a mixed collie mongrel called Blu.

 BUY NOW LINK: · All Romance · Amazon · Smashwords

ONLINE LINKS: Susan Mac Nicol Online: 

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Chapter 1

The day the sky fell changed Cassie Wallace’s world forever. She woke up that morning with the expectation that this day would be like any other. She also had a slight hangover from the abundance of wine she’d drunk the night before to try and get through a blind date organized by her work colleague, Sarah.

The evening had been a total disaster. Not only had the man been an absolute misogynist, one of the cardinal male sins on Cassie’s unwritten list, he’d also had a habit of leering at her chest every time he spoke as if he thought it might talk back to him.

She’d smiled politely whilst thinking she’d like to take his smarmy public school tie and shove it down his throat. When she’d finally left at around eleven, she hadn’t been able to get away fast enough.

She stood in her bedroom, checking her outfit in the mirror and sighed.

Was it too much to ask to find a decent man just to share things with and have a good time? They all seemed to be absolute idiots and in the old but true cliché, only interested in one thing.

Cassie had been out on a few dates in the past few months but somehow she never made it past the first one. A previous date gone wrong had told her she was too independent and perhaps a little bit ‘emotionally challenged, not affectionate enough’ for him.

She’d shrugged this off but it had hurt her deep down especially as she knew it to be true.

My bloody expectations aren’t even that high, she thought in exasperation as she
fastened her necklace. It’s not as if I’m such a great bloody catch myself! Middle-aged and not really all that exciting. I’ll take what I can get within reason.

Cassie smoothed her skirt down over her hips and picked up her handbag.

When she left the house at six thirty, it was a typical dark English winter morning. Fortyfive minutes later she was sitting in the traffic on the motorway, listening to the news bulletin.

“Bloody idiot,” she mumbled in between bites of a banana that she had hastily grabbed on her way out. “He wouldn’t know a bloody budget if his life depended on it. Silly sod has got no idea how to run a bloody country.”

She crept forward in her Honda Jazz at about two miles an hour, watching the traffic in front which seemed to have ground to a halt for no reason at all.

I really need to try and find something closer to home, she thought, not for the first time. This travelling lark is really starting to piss me off. Four hours a day in traffic is not my idea of time well spent.

Cassie wasn’t sure what other quality pastimes she’d be engaging in if she did have more free time, given her current ‘lack of male’ situation but she supposed she’d find something. Join a book club perhaps, or find more time to get to the gym. She might even start writing that novel she’d always planned on doing.

Her fingers impatiently drummed on the steering wheel in time to a melody on the radio. In response to another bulletin by the newscaster regarding the level of binge drinking in the county, she burst into a further diatribe. “For God’s sake, let the bloody idiots lay where they fall. If they had any brains they wouldn’t let it get that far so they needed an ambulance to take them to A and E. It’s my taxpaying money that’s looking after these morons!”

She glanced at the clock on the display. Seven thirty a.m. She’d be lucky to make it in on time today.

The story of my life, she thought resignedly. Slow death by traffic jam.

The traffic still seemed to show no signs of moving any time soon. She switched off the engine and took out her Kindle. She may as well catch up on her reading whilst she had nothing better to do.

Her concentration span was low as she tried to read. Last night’s ‘date’ kept replaying itself in random snippets of conversation. Cassie could still hear Ron’s supercilious comment about women needing to have a man in their lives to keep them focused on what was important—the man and the provision of all his needs.

She’d almost choked on her wine when she’d heard this and only just stopped herself retorting sarcastically that as a man’s needs were so simple, the only ‘provision’ they really needed was a soft toy shaped like a pair of boobs to play with and talk at. As she had very little money in her purse other than her taxi fare home, she’d stopped herself.

After the hell she’d been through sitting and listening to Ron’s drivel, the least she’d make him do was pay for dinner. Cassie had made a decision after last night. She’d stay home with her own company for the near future, with a bottle of wine and a couple of decent movies. She’d rather drool over a virtual Mark Harmon in NCIS than a real life douche bag like the Ronalds of his world. As for sex—well, that was what vibrators were made for.

It was nearly ten minutes later before the car in front of her re-started its engine and she followed suit and sped up to about twenty miles an hour as the queue took flight. She settled in as it got back up to the more respectable speed of fifty miles an hour.

As she drove she glanced idly up at the foot bridges to see the people strolling with dogs, on bicycles and footing it on their way to work.

At the bridge just ahead she saw a solitary figure leaning over looking down at the motorway below. She slowed down a little. Ever since those incidents a few weeks ago when someone had thrown a concrete bucket off the bridge at a passing car, she tended to be wary of people standing watching the traffic.

The figure didn’t appear to have anything in its hands but then she had only caught a glimpse of it before turning her eyes back to the road. She increased her speed as the traffic flowed easier.

There was no warning, just a sudden deafening bang of metal as the windscreen of her car collapsed inwards. Cassie screamed in terror as glass flew towards her like wafer thin slivers from a frozen icicle. Her hands left the steering wheel in panic, her foot pressing down on the accelerator.

The Honda Jazz went out of control, spinning around like a dirt dervish. Debris from the windscreen flew like lethal missiles around the interior of the car. Cassie cried out in pain as she was subject to a vicious assault by anything lying loose in her vehicle. She tried to cover her face in an instinctive reflex but her left arm seemed unresponsive. The pain horrifying. She whimpered as she glanced down and saw the bone shard sticking out.

In her pain and terror she didn’t notice that the car had stopped spinning. Everything went quiet. Cassie lay slumped in the driver seat, dazed and unresponsive as the shock set in She could hear the sounds of people shouting and heard someone asking her if she was all right.

She vaguely registered the sound of screeching metal as someone tried to pull the driver door open. It was as if everything was being done underwater. The sounds were muted and her brain was sluggish.

The older man looking in at her from the road was speaking but she couldn’t hear what he was saying. Cassie looked at him blankly. She couldn’t see clearly, as if a can of fine red spray-paint had been aimed at her and the nozzle depressed, coating her eyes. She tried to move her body but the pain in her right leg was excruciating.

She watched dully as the man outside starting pulling away metal struts and twisted the door to get inside to her. She could hear his voice vaguely now, a rough London Cockney accent as he spoke reassuringly whilst trying to free her.

“All right, darling? Just stay calm and I’ll try and get to you. The ambulance is on its way. They’ve told me not to move you so I just want to try get in and keep you company till they arrive. You look as if you could do with a bit of company. Just stay with me now. Don’t go anywhere.”

He smiled at her, trying to keep her reassured. With a final tug at the door, he made enough of a space to squeeze in slightly and he took her right hand, avoiding the bad condition of her left arm with its broken bone. Her hand was freezing and he rubbed it gently.

“There we go. That should feel better. You just stay calm now and we’ll have you back to your old man in no time.” He continued holding her hand, talking to her as she slipped in and out of consciousness.

In one of her lucid periods she raised an unsteady hand to her face to wipe her eyes. The fog cleared a little and she was able to focus, then desperately wished she hadn’t. Lying in front of her, across the bonnet, was a face, pulped and looking as if dark sticky jam had been smeared all over it.

She could see the eyes open, looking at her and she could see the mouth forming words before she screamed and screamed and eventually the fog of blackness claimed her and the face could be seen no more.

Doctor Ian Spencer frowned as he read the patient chart in his hand. He glanced at the patient, an old man in his seventies, matted grey hair curling around his face like tendrils of an octopus, framing a bucolic face of cherry red, his bulbous nose caked with fresh snot.

“Up to your old tricks again, Terry?” the ER doctor asked resignedly. “I thought perhaps last time we had reached an understanding of sorts?”

The old man chuckled hoarsely.

“The drink beckoned again, Doctor, I’ve told you before, cider waits for no man.” He coughed, his body wracked with spasms. The doctor motioned with a hand to the waiting nurse who offered Terry a glass of water. He drank it greedily and lay back in the hospital bed.

Ian Spencer made a notation in his patient’s chart.

“You realise this time, Terry, you’ve really outdone yourself? You had what we call a minor varicose bleed which basically means your insides leaked with blood because they couldn’t do what they were supposed to do. I managed to stabilise you and you’ve been in intensive care for two days. Given the state of your liver you were very lucky not to have it worse. As it is, you’ll need to be here a few more days before I can release you.”

“I’m very grateful to you, Doctor.” Terry leered at the nurse who moved out of the way of his groping left hand. “I can always count on you to put me right.”

“Not always, Terry, not always.” Ian passed the chart to the nurse and continued on his way.

He’d just completed his surgical rounds and was walking down the hospital corridor when he heard an ambulance arrive and saw the frenetic activity bursting through the double doors. He heard the ambulance staff calling out their incoming triage procedures to the attending doctor and watched as a trolley with a woman covered in blood was wheeled into the waiting operating theatre.

One of the staff nurses, Judy, a good friend, hurried past him.

“I don’t believe this one,” she muttered to him. “Some poor woman minding her own business on the motorway and somebody falls on top of her car. We were lucky no one else was hurt as well when she spun around or we’d be running out of space this morning.”

“What about the man who fell?”

“He’s dead, poor bugger.” Judy’s voice was terse as she hurried off.

It was some hours later in passing Ian saw his colleague, fellow trauma surgeon Phil Moodley, come out of the operating theatre where the woman had been wheeled.

“Phil!” Ian hurried to catch up with him. “Wait up.”

Phil turned and proffered a tired smile when he saw Ian.

“Ian, how are things? I’m just on my way to catch a few minutes doze. It’s been a long day.”

“How did things go in there?” Ian motioned to the OR. “I heard she was hit by a man falling on her car.”

“Yes, it was very bad. The poor woman has a ruptured spleen, a hairline skull fracture, a broken femur and radius, and a wealth of lacerations and internal bruising.” He frowned.

“She also has a small foreign body embedded in her left temple. It’s in an awkward place and fairly deep. I’ve recommended not removing it at this time. I’m not sure it would be prudent. It doesn’t appear itself to be life threatening. She’ll be in intensive care for some time. I need to keep an eye on her for any possible embolism. She’ll probably need some physical therapy afterwards if there are no complications.”

He squinted at Ian with tired eyes. “You seem interested in this one, Ian? Did you know anyone involved?”

Ian shook his head. “I was involved in a similar situation some years ago when I was at Lakeview Hospital and that one—that one I did know. The person that fell though, not the victim.”

Phil nodded his head.

“This woman was very lucky, the young man was not. He was dead at the scene. His relatives are on their way.”

Ian nodded. “Thanks, Phil. You’d best get off and get that sleep, you look all out of it.”

Phil patted Ian’s arm and wandered down towards the staff room. Ian wouldn’t tell Phil the real reason for his interest. It was too personal and no one in the hospital knew anything about his reason for leaving Lakeview three years ago and joining Tilhurst Hospital on the outskirts of Essex.

In 2009, his wife Sandra had jumped off a foot bridge straight into the path of a passing mini-van. To this day he had no idea why. The mini-van driver, a young man called Freddy Clifford, who had just become a father, had died in the incident with Sandy. The feelings of guilt for both Sandy’s and the man’s death (he should’ve known what was going on in his own marriage for God’s sake!) had never left him.

He’d left Lakeview and started again where no one knew his history and no one could feel sympathy for him. He felt he didn’t deserve it. He was sure a psychiatrist would have some insight to offer on his reaction but he had never engaged with one, preferring as he did to manage it himself.

Ian made his way over to the nurses’ station outside intensive care. He saw Nurse Angie, a bubbly young woman with bleached blonde hair and a Carry On set of breasts, sitting behind the desk. She smiled as she saw him approach.

There were more than a couple of nurses who’d tried to form a relationship with him but none of them had been successful so far.

“Doctor. What can I do for you?”

“The woman that Dr. Patel has just operated on—can you tell me a little bit about her?

How’s she doing?”

Angie consulted her notes.

“Let me see. Hmm, she’s in a private ICU room, so she must have great insurance. Room 310. Cassie Wallace, forty-seven years old, divorced. Her sister is coming in to see her. She’s on her way from Kent.”

She looked at Ian enquiringly. “Has Dr. Patel asked you to keep an eye on her?”

Ian shook his head. “No, just curious about how she’s doing. It just seems so tragic, minding your own business then POW! You find yourself in this situation. Thanks for the info, Angie.”

Ian made his way towards Room 310. He couldn’t say why he was so interested in this woman, only that he felt he had to find out more about her.

He clothed himself up with a mask and gloves and nodded at the ICU nurses as he walked through the main ward to the private ones at the back. The hum of machines and the absolute quiet in the ward was strangely restful. Ian reached Room 310, opened the door and slipped in.

Cassie Wallace lay on her back, surrounded by soft light from the equipment. The constant beep of the life support machines and monitoring equipment comforted Ian. This unit was dedicated to keeping people alive with the best care the hospital could provide. Cassie Wallace was in good hands.

Cassie had her left arm in a splint, her fingers cold and pale like soft, limp white gloves. Her right leg with its broken femur rested on the bed covers. Ian guessed she had pins and rods inside keeping it together.

Her face was battered and bruised from the accident. He could see the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. Her pale strawberry blonde hair was spread across the pillow like soft gold straw, with a large bald patch on the left side where Dr Patel had shaved her skull.

Even through the cuts and bruises, Ian could see she was a very attractive woman. Not just pretty or beautiful, but with a look of her own that even under current circumstances made her look younger than her forty-seven years. She reminded him very much of a curvier Michelle Pfeiffer. A noise at the door made him turn. Judy stood there, looking surprised to see him.

“Ian? What are you doing in here?” she whispered.

“I was just checking up on her. I know I’m not her doctor but I really wanted to see how she was doing.”

“It’s all right, Ian.” Judy patted him on the arm. “She can do with all the help she can get. I need to check her vital signs now. Do you want to stick around?”

“No Judes, I’ll let you get on with your job. Thanks.” Ian left the nurse with her patient and made his way back towards the main reception.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Forged By Greed by Angela Orlowski-Peart

Two Seattle 16-year-old Shape Shifters, Jatred and Jasmira, are torn between following their hearts and protecting the order of the world. The path of the star-crossed lovers leads only to destruction. The ancient Shape Shifter Races—the Winter wolves and the Summer leopards— live among humans and fit perfectly into modern life, while keeping secret societies with their own laws and traditions. Two Goddesses, Crystal and Amber command their respective Races. One is on a quest to tilt the scale of power to her side. The other will never let it happen, even if it means sacrificing Jatred and Jasmira’s love. The Amulet commissioned to bring stability into the world remains hidden and concealed with the help of advanced technology. Jatred is the guardian of the Amulet and key to the Goddesses’ conflict. The forces of nature are disrupted. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions rake the world. The Goddesses go to war and summon all their Shifters to join in the conflict. Jatred and Jasmira must fight not only for their love but to protect the future of both Races and humankind. 

Come and celebrate with author Angela Orlowski-Peart as she releases her book Forged by Greed!!! We'll be playing some fun games. The party runs from 10-2 pst on Friday September 28th!! Join in the fun here! a Rafflecopter giveaway Hope to see you all there!!

Brought to you by the Release Day Diva

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Goblins Spells Unicorns By: Christina Worrell (Author), Raven Worrell (Author), and Ashley Lane (Illustrator)

Goblin Spells Unicorns

5.0 out of 5 stars Good VS Evil; Good Always Wins!, September 22, 2012

I received a smashwords copy in return for an honest review.

I would have to agree with another review I read of Goblins, Spells and Unicorns, if I could give it 10 Stars I would!

What makes a children's book enjoyable to children? Is it the life lessons they learn while reading it? Is it a certain understanding that they should not do whatever the "bad people" in the story are doing? Or is it more about the pictures, the adventures, and the "good people" saving the day?

Now, on the other hand, what makes an adult enjoy a children's book? Is it the pictures or is the life lessons that they know their children are learning, whether they realize it or not? Do parents always look for the stories that are funny, easy to read, and simple or are they more concerned about the ideas and the creativity the book has to offer?

What if you could find a book that encompasses both schools of thought? It would be a book that spoke to the children through the pictures, the adventure, and the "good people" saving the day; as well as to the parent's idea of having a life learning experience and a story that would spark new ideas and creativity in their children.

If you are reading this review then you have come to the right place to find all of these ideas and so much more. Christina Worrell (Author), Raven Worrell (Author), and Ashley Lane (Illustrator) have put together, in my opinion, the ideal children's book. It is a story that speaks to both, children and grown-ups! It has life lessons about being greedy, lazy, and dishonest but it also has a couple of "bad" characters that accidentally make some "good" characters that are, in the end, able to save themselves from the "bad's" clutches.

This is an awesome story written and illustrated by three really awesome people. I do hope you take the time and money to sit and read this wonderful children's book. I know you will not be disappointed! Enjoy!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Ghost-in-Law Mystery/Romance Series by Jana Deleon

Trouble in Mudbug (Ghost-in-Law Mystery/Romance Series)

Trouble in Mudbug (Ghost-in-Law Mystery/Romance Series)

5.0 out of 5 stars #1 Maryse's Story, September 20, 2012

What do you do when you go to your monster mother-in-laws funeral only to watch her ghost sit up in her coffin and start complaining because the funeral was not being done to her specifications?

What do you do with a dead beat husband?

How do you keep from getting yourself killed while falling in love with the man that is personally investigating you for some strange reason?

Who should you trust or tell what is going on without putting them in harm's way?

Add in lots of laughs and awesome characters that are alive and loveable, and you have "Trouble in Mudbug."

Jana Deleon knows how to keep you interested, keep you guessing, and keep you reading until all hours of the night!

Mischief in Mudbug (Ghost-in-Law Mystery/Romance Series)

Mischief in Mudbug (Ghost-in-Law Mystery/Romance Series)

5.0 out of 5 stars #2 Sabine LaVeche's Story, September 20, 2012
Where do you turn when you learn that you have cancer and you need a bone marrow transplant in order to survive? You look to your family.
What happens when you know that you were adopted and your adopted family is no longer living? You start searching for your real family.
What do you do when you have searched for years and still cannot find anyone connected to you? You hire a private detective.
What happens if the private detective finds your family but is not sure he wants to share the truth with you in order to protect you? You convince him to level with you and then ask him to go along to meet the family. What do you do when your real family turns out to be crazier and richer than anyone else you have ever met? You try and keep yourself and the others around you from being killed by your crazy new family.

Poor Sabine. She just wanted to find her family so that she can beat the cancer that is eating away at her but what she finds may kill her faster than the cancer. Luckily she meets an Ace Detective that not only finds her family but then sticks around to protect to her.
Jana Deleon does it again with her second book in the Ghost-in-law series. She brings life, love, and laughter into a wonderful story that will keep you on the edge of your seat and warm your heart! Let's just hope you don't start seeing Helena Henry too or it could mean your certain death!

Showdown in Mudbug (Ghost-in-Law Mystery/Romance Series)

Showdown in Mudbug (Ghost-in-Law Mystery/Romance Series)

5.0 out of 5 stars #3 Raissa's Story, September 20, 2012
What do you get when you put a "psychic," a police detective, and a ghost on a case of kidnapped girls? A really awesome book with all sorts of twists and turns that you never expect until they happen.
As the third book of the Ghost-in-law series Jana Deleon out does her other two books with this one. She includes murder, kidnapping, aliens, sick doctors, and of course Helena Henry.

"Showdown in Mudbug" is a terrific book about learning to accept your past, trusting the ones that you love, and sometimes having to say goodbye to people that have touched your life in ways you never imagined! Please check out this entire series! I know you will love it as much as I did! You will not be disappointed!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Unsacred Gift by C.S. Dorsey

What do you do when you wake up from a dream that felt so real that you can smell the salt from the water and you reach up to touch your hair and find that it wasn't just some random dream because there is a real leaf tangled in your hair? What do you do when you realize that the "visions" you have when someone touches you is the "vision" of their death? How do you tell your friends, your family, and even have any type of real life? Is it even possible to have to struggle through so much alone? Have you been blessed with a gift or a curse?
So many questions. C.S. Dorsey weaves a tale of  a girl that is lonely because she is afraid of being close to anyone. Sissy has even pushed her family away for fear of their lives and not her own. Dorsey uses God, love of family, and the bonds of friendship to create a world where her readers can escape to. She allows you to learn not only about her characters but a little about yourself as well if you know where to look or have your heart open enough. The Unsacred Gift is a wonderful story that should be read and shared with others. It is too good to pass up and earns Five Stars from this reviewer! Please take a few and check out her blog and Facebook pages. I know you will be as pleased as I was!

Have you ever had a dream that came to life? How about losing the one you love and  not being able to save them? What about a gift that you were cursed with? Well image having all three like Sicily "Sissy" Monroe."Some might say what I have is a gift. I say, I want to return it." Sissy declares.

 Sicily "Sissy" Monroe has all the qualities of a perfect young lady. She is almost where she wants to be in life. But lying deep in the pupil of her eyes hold something that she cannot get rid of which interferes with her plans. She fights everyday with no one but herself. After having her first vision at age six of her sister's (Misty) disappearance and the dreams of failing to save her, Sissy wants no part in another person's fate. For years Sissy tried hard to avoid contact with people because she feared foreseeing their death. In keeping with this, she tries to stay away from her family. Little did Sissy know she could not run from her past, or her gift. She hopes someone will put her out of her misery, but she will soon discover that her visions and dreams were just a mere image of herself. 

C. S. Dorsey currently lives in Northern California. She graduated from the University of Phoenix with an Associate's Degree in Financial Services, and is currently working for a financial institution. She never thought about writing until one day this girl started talking to her in her head and never stop. She has written other young adult books including best selling Lukos Trilogy. 
Available on Amazon and Barnes & Nobles!
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9/19  Night Owl Reads  First Chapter
9/20  I Just Wanna Sit Here and Read!  First Chapter
9/20  M-N's Amazing Book Reviews   Review
9/20  Bookworm Babblings   Review
9/20   Books, Books and More Books   Review
9/21  Books & Other Spells   Review
9/21   The Cosy Dragon   Review